When cleaning out your attic, garage, Marie Kondo-ing, or just generally downsizing, do you ever wonder what to do with all your extra stuff? Though Goodwill is a great organization, much of it is sent out of the area, or to the dump. Here are three alternatives that make a local impact in Lake Norman:

- Beds for Kids - Their mission began when someone had really good extra furniture to donate found there were no good local places to take it. Beds for Kids does much more than its name represents; they even furnish whole houses for new Habitat for Humanity homeowners! Visit the Beds for Kids website for info on how to donate your extra furniture to help a local family!
- The American Legion in Huntersville - They collect old quilts to transform into teddy bears that local police give to children who are victims of abuse. They also make vapor barrier ground mats for the homeless out of plastic bags, using the potholder crochet method many of us learned as children. To donate to the American Legion, call 704-875-1126.
- Safe Alliance and Bright Blessings - Both would love your hotel toiletries to stock hygiene kits. Safe Alliance gives them to families who have been displaced due to domestic violence and instability. Bright Blessings adds them to “go bags” they give to high school guidance counselors, along with sleeping bags and notes of encouragement for couch-surfing teenagers who are temporarily not able to live at home.

Keep this page handy for the next time you clean out your garage! Do you have any other alternatives? Get in touch with us to let us know how we can continue to be generous neighbors to Lake Norman.